The Truth about Simplifying Your Life

I love simple.  The fewer possessions I have, the easier my life becomes.  I’ve gotten rid of maybe 75% of the material things I owned.  But, guess what, that is just not enough.  So, my wife and I have been taking on the tough part of the job…dealing with the stuff we love but never…

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On Hitting a Rut in Retirement

I think I have hit exactly two ruts in my life…ones that keep me doing low productive/low pleasure/low “good for me” activities.  One was in my 50s when I used the excuse of prostate cancer to finally take me off my life long and nearly daily efforts to keep myself physically fit…run/stretch/lift.  I let those…

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Being on Facebook and the like

I love Facebook and I am on it every day…have been for years.  However, that is me and I know a heck of a lot of people who just hate the idea of being on Facebook.  I respect their decisions…but would like to ask them to think it through one more time. I understand the…

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First, I would like to acknowledge that I should have been dead a long time by now. I survived a horrific truck accident when I was 14. Thank you God. I survived several near drownings while surfing in waves way too big for my swimming skills. Thank you God. I survived cancer a couple of…

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Politics and retirement

The topic of this blog…Politics and retirement This is one man’s opinion and philosophy…just food for thought. I completely respect an opposing opinion. I vote. I stay current with the political scene. However, I am completely through trying to influence others to think and vote as I do. I am through working for campaigns. Not…

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Getting braces on my teeth at age 70

So, yesterday I sat quietly in an office waiting room, surrounded by 12 year old kids, waiting to go in to have braces put onto my bottom teeth.  Got em on.  Walked out of there feeling quite out of place, but with the knowledge that I was doing what I always do…playing for the long…

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The topic of this post is…Gambling in retirement

Ok…this is the confession of a degenerate gambler. For decades I have gambled large sums of money in casinos and card games all around the world. When I say “large sums” I remember (painfully) losing $10,000 in about a minute. Happily, I also had days where I won nearly $100,000 in one setting…and hit a…

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You won’t miss it…2

The topic of this blog is…the things from work you will miss. You will miss virtually NOTHING.  I know that is hard to believe, but it is true.  You will be so involved with the new opportunities and activities of you life that the old ones will fade, fade away. The above is not entirely…

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